Category: Practicum and Internship
Hits: 2444


Protocol for Submitting a Special Request for Practicum/Internship Placement


Completing your Pracitcum or Internship at your current place of employment is neither recommended, encouraged, or endorsed.  You will need to make a special written request if you wish to attempt your clinical placement with your employer.


Students: If there are no other alternatives for completing your Practicum or Internship and you have considered your place of employment, you will have to submit a special request for the Practicum/Internship placement. Send an e-mail with your proposed plan to Drs. Whiting, Royal, and Blount. Do not make a telephone call. Please indicate the following in your proposal: 

1). Explain your current job position

2). Explain how the Practicum/Internship placement will be different from your job duties

3). Identify how you will complete the required hours at the site

4). Indicate if the potential site supervisor meets the requirements for supervision for the discipline:

5). Explain if your potential site supervisor will allow tape recordings.



**Do not presume that your request will be honored**