Category: Student Announcements
Hits: 1178
We aim to take this time together to reimagine, refocus, and rise to the potential for our lives! Expect this year to inspire you to reframe what is possible and engage life with more intentionality, curiosity, and vigor. Save the date, November 17, 2021, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm ET, to learn how you can make meaning and impact in your life, at work, and in play.
The conference will be held virtually and include live sessions, keynote speakers, and networking opportunities. All sessions will be recorded. Proposals are being accepted now!
Not sure if your thoughts are "good enough" for NBCC CE credits? Apply the conference theme to your own life and go for it!
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Sharon Givens & Dr. Rich Feller

Conference Theme: Reimagine, Refocus, Rise: Transforming Tomorrow | Promoting Resilience Today 

Subthemes for Proposals:
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Student/Client Success
  • Career Planning
  • Personal & Professional Wellness
Register here: 

Proposal submission here: 

Anyone who is interested in presenting or has general questions, please email Stacey Huffman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.