Category: Research Participation Requests
Hits: 199




My name is Sarah Roundtree and I’m a PhD Candidate at Penn State. For my dissertation, Disabled Students’ Perceptions of Representation in Counseling Programs, I am exploring disabled counseling students’ lived experiences to work toward increasing accessibility and inclusivity of counseling programs. This email has been forwarded to you by your Department Chair, as a current student enrolled in a CACREP-accredited master’s-level counseling program. I would greatly appreciate your participation in my dissertation research!

Doing so asks that you participate in two, 90-minute Zoom interviews focused on your experience as a disabled counseling student and is completely voluntary. Participants will receive a $20 gift card to a place of their choosing for participating.

 Not sure if you “qualify” as having a disability? That’s okay! As long as you self-identify as disabled (physical disability, mental illness, chronic pain, acquired disability, congenital disability, etc.) you are welcome to volunteer. Disabled Students of Color, older disabled students, queer disabled students, trans disabled students, and other students with multiple minoritized identities are encouraged to participate.
If you are interested or have questions about this project, please reach out to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. If you don’t meet the eligibility criteria for the study, but know someone who might, please feel free to send them this email and/or the flier attached.

I greatly appreciate your consideration!


Sarah Michelle Roundtree, M.S., CRC(she/her)
Doctoral Candidate
Counselor Education & Supervision
The Pennsylvania State University