Category: Student Announcements
Hits: 9030

Spring registration is set to open for all students on October 11th. The schedule, as listed in Banner, is correct as of October 5th.

Course Sequencing:

Our goal is to help you move through the program at a steady rate, but it may not always be at the pace in which you thought you could go.  Some classes may fill early, and you may need to adjust your schedule a bit.  Some classes may be offered in a mode (online or on-campus) in which you can not take during a given semester, so you may need to adjust your plan/schedule with your advisor and take it the next time it is offered in your needed mode.

Keep in mind that any plan you develop with your advisor is always subject to change based on course availability.

Please note a few things:

Spring Semester, 2024 - Classes begin January 8, 2024

On campus

Online - synchronous

Online - asynchronous

For other EDGR course offerings (5910 and 5920), please check Banner.  There will likely be additional sections of 5910 and 5920.