COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

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Safe Zone/Trans Zone Virtual Training
Facilitated by the NCCU LGBTA Resource Center
Open to current students and faculty in the Counseling and Higher Education Department
Friday, February 24, 2023
1-3 PM 
Registration will open on January 10, 2023 and close on February 20th
**All attendees will be given a certificate upon completion of the training


Safe Zone - Language surrounding the LGBTQ+ community consistently changes. This training begins with an introduction to the usage of pronouns, common terminology, and ways to be an effective ally to members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Trans Zone - Similar to Safe Zone, this training dives a little deeper into the specificities of terminology and topics related to trans-identified individuals. 

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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