COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University



Students must make a passing score on the Counseling Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) in order to graduate from the Counselor Education Program at NCCU. This examination is a standardized test taken the semester before the student intends to graduate

Students are NOT permitted to take this exam any earlier than one semester before they intend on graduating - AND - have the approval of their advisor.

For example, if you intend to graduate in the Spring of 2023 (May, 2023), take the exam in the Fall of 2022.  If you intend on graduating the the Fall of 2023 (December, 2023), take the exam in the Spring of 2023.

Students typically take this exam either:

  1. The semester they are enrolled in Practicum (if they are to complete Internship in one semester), or
  2. The first semester of their internship (if they complete Internship in two semesters)

These examples may not apply to everyone, especially students taking Practicum during the summer or dual-major students.  The CPCE is not offered at NCCU during the summer.  Dual-major students may want to wait to complete the exam until they have an idea of when they intend to graduate.  Take the exam the semester just before the semester they intend to graduate.  

A student who fails to pass the CPCE may, after a period of one semester, apply for and secure reexamination. Should a second failure occur, a third examination is possible upon recommendation of the program coordinator and a favorable vote from the Graduate Council. If the student’s request to take the comprehensive examination is denied, or in the event of a third failure, the student will be dismissed from the program. For more information about the CPCE go to online to

Students living outside of the Durham area needing to take the CPCE closer to home are able to do so. Please note the registration process is different.  There is an additional fee to test off NCCU's campus.



Click HERE to download the instructions.  Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.


CPCE Registration with 3 Options


Greetings, NCCU Counseling Scholars, and welcome back for another semester of learning fun. 

While you are learning and growing, many of you will be preparing for and taking the CPCE (Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam) commonly called comps.   There are 3 options for taking the CPCE (i.e., at home, at a testing site closer to home, or at NCCU). Using the survey located below you will share with Dr. Barrow your testing location selection. 

After the deadline passes to complete the CPCE Registration Interest survey (see below)

  1. Dr. Barrow will submit your name and NCCU email to CCE (Center for Credentialing and Education) for testing authorization and 

  2. then, you will be able to proceed with your CCE registration, as noted below under the What Next heading. 

I sincerely hope you have a strong start to your semester and that you have your prep plans in place to successfully pass the CPCE.   

Be well, Dr. Barrow




When do I take Comps (aka CPCE):

You should take the CPCE the semester before your anticipated graduation (i.e., during the semester you are taking practicum). For example, if you are graduating in spring, it is highly, highly encouraged that you take the CPCE in the fall.  Should you fail it in the spring it will delay your graduation.  Taking comps the semester before your anticipated graduation date will allow you an opportunity to take it again should you need to. Most often NCCU students take the CPCE the semester they are taking Practicum.

Where do I take comps? 

The Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) is offering 3 locations to take the CPCE. 

    1. At NCCU ($75 fee)

    2. At your home ($150 fee)

    3. At Pearson Vue Site closer to your home ($150 fee)

What dates are comps given?

At NCCU ($75 fee):
The CPCE will be given during a 2-week window - September 12-23, 2022.  
At home or Pearson Vue Site closer OR at home ($150 fee):
For students that are not local to Durham/NCCU you may elect to take the CPCE closer to home for an additional fee. We ask that you still take the exam during our March 14-25, 2022 testing window, but you may take it anytime during the month of September.  Delaying the exam may delay your graduation. 


How will I get my results?

NCCU’s Counseling Testing Director receives your scores from CCE in the middle to end of the month after you test.  If you test in September, the testing director receives your score some time mid-to-late October.  If you test in March, the testing director receives your score some time mid-to-late April.  It is essential that you test during the testing month we assign.  If you don’t and your results come after graduation forms are submitted you will not graduate as expected. 

Once results have arrived the Counseling Testing Director will email your results and your pass/fail status.  In general a passing score falls near 77. We norm reference for each administration and using the national mean distributed by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) we go out 1 SD (standard deviation) from the national mean to determine our cut score. 

What next?

Completing this survey gets the ball rolling for testing. 

Before selecting at home (OnVUE) on the survey below please make sure the computer you will use meets the technical requirements for OnVUE testing (CPCE at home)

 CPCE Registration Interest

Then, review the following based on your testing selection

Testing at home

Testing on NCCU’s campus

Testing at a Pearson VUE site closer to home

Having difficulties you may contact

CPCE FAQs and contact information

Dr. Jennifer Barrow at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ms. Carri Curtis (CCE rep for the CPCE) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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